Our Conclusion  

 Nowadays, we concern about  only global warming and the issue of global dimming is less well known. However, the recent study found out the ironical fact about global dimming. Effects of global dimming have been offset in large part to the global warming.

   The problem is the correlation between of global warming and global dimming. These two phenomena are more dangerous because they are mutually exclusive. Climatologist Peter Cox says "Disappears the effect of lowering the temperature, the stronger global warming will proceed". So If we keep reducing the byproduct of fossil fuels such as sulfur dioxide without caring greenhouse gas emissions, additional heat accerelate the speed of warming. It make land-based ice melted and would be difficult to sustain in the rainforest claimed within a few decades.

 Here we can see that mankind fell in a serious dilemma.

 If we preserve the atmosphere to clean without burning fossil fuels and purify, global warming which have been suppressed by global dimmming turn out true reality, getting out of control. It is clear that this will lead to catastrophic results. 

 Then let's keep growing the  global dimming? -NO

  If we keep global dimming, there are various bad effects as mentioned in the "Negative Effect" part of the previous page. The amount of solar radiation reduce and it impact bad on plant growth and cause global changes in precipitation which make the catastrophic disaster of food hard to avoid.

 Eventually the current mankind tied in a double bind by burning fossil fuel, global warming and global dimming, which one will easily not be solved.

   Both phenomena should be considered and respond simultaneously. we cannot solve the global issues by thinking only one aspect but we have to understand issues correctly and concern both aspects of global warming and global dimming, so we can solve the issues. For example, the solutions of the both part can be conflict with each other like record that there was inensive heat  in the UK where take strong policy to prevent air pollution.

   Addition to our conclusion, study in this field (global dimming) is not organized well yet. As we concern less about global dimming than global warming or other major issues, the study of global dimming is also still in primary step. There are many things not proved numerically yet about the effect of global dimming and the mutual effects with global warming. Therefore further studies are also needed to find correct solution about global warming and global dimming issues.

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